About Osteopathy


Osteopathy treats the body holistically i.e. as a whole. We look for, & treat, not just the symptom sites, but, the all important predisposing & maintaining factors presenting within the individual patient. The tools of our trade are our hands, which we use to achieve gentle tensional tissue release to help restore mechanical, &, therefore functional balance within the body. These techniques can be applied effectively, & safely at all ages of life. Osteopaths are trained to screen for medical conditions & will refer patients onto other healthcare professionals if necessary. 

Registered Osteopaths are primary healthcare practitioners regulated by Statute. All practicing Osteopaths have trained & qualified at an accredited College of Osteopathy, & are registered with the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC). The GOsC requires a minimum of 90 hours continued professional development studies each 3-year cycle; this has facilitated further postgraduate studies within the practice in the fields of Paediatric and Cranial Osteopathy, Sports Injuries & Functional Medicine.


 To make a booking with us, contact us on:


or call us on 01543 252673